What do I love most about photography? I love to make people smile. Not only when taking the picture but I love to make people smile when they see a picture that truly makes them happy. Then I know it is more than a picture, it is a memory.

I mainly photograph seniors, children, newborns and families. Each type of photography is unique in its own way. Here is how I think of each group:

Seniors: When I photograph high school seniors, I try to take a picture that shows them just how great they are. It is such an amazing time in someone's life to be graduating from high school and about to start a new journey. I believe that later when someone looks back at their senior picture, it brings back a flood of emotions when they were at that pivotal point in their life.

Children: I love the innocence of a child and try to capture that every time I take a picture of them. I let children be themselves and photograph them as they are being a kid, doing kid stuff. There is something so precious about a child's true smile and getting that is what I always strive to achieve!

Families: As people move through different stages of their life the one thing that always remains is family. I try to capture how families interact with each other and show everyone's unique personality. Then years down the road when someone looks back at the picture, they can remember the unique dynamics of their family at that time.

When someone asks me to take their pictures, I feel truly honored. I look forward to every photo shoot and would love to take your picture too!